Ubuntu 11.10 startup manager
Ubuntu 11.10 startup manager


GNOME 3 has been developed and designed from scratch rather than just adding some new feature in the predecessor version. It has a lot of new and innovative features. Unity has improved a lot, but if you want to try something new or you like Gnome 3 (or you might be hating Unity), then it’s time to enjoy the next generation revolutionary desktop – GNOME 3. Ubuntu 11.10 uses Gnome 3 (based on GTK 3) but the default user interface is Unity.


So feel free to experiment but – always keep a backup to encounter any unexpected results. The tips and tricks described here, are primarily aimed for Ubuntu 11.10 users but some of the tips may works seamlessly with other Linux distributions (specifically Debian based) such as Linux Mint, Opensuse, Fedora, Debian, or other Ubuntu derivatives such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, MythUbuntu, Ubuntu Studio etc.

ubuntu 11.10 startup manager

Top 10 – Ubuntu 11.10(Oneiric Ocelot) Tips ‘n’ Tricks If you have something to say (e.g if you want to add or improve an existing tips or you want to share you experience or have some feedback) then feel free to share with us (using comment box). So here is my most favorite collection of Tips and Tweaks, for a beginner Ubuntu 11.10 user. If you’ve just installed a fresh version of Ubuntu 11.10 then first go through this post – 10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 11.10, then come back here and apply some tips/tricks to customize the Ubuntu in your way. That’s why I thought to write an updated version of those cool tips ‘n’ tricks, and the expected users are absolute beginners but intermediate and advanced users might benefit from it. Some of the tips explained there are also valid for 11.10 (perhaps for all version of Ubuntu or may be for all Linux based OS) but most of the tricks are obsolete due to some major change like GTK 3 (instead of 2.3).


In fact, it was lot useful for a beginner Ubuntu users – specifically those who are coming from the Windows background. Few months ago, just after the release of Ubuntu 11.04, I published a post on Ubuntu 11.04 Tips ‘n’ Tricks, and it was a big hit – I got a lot of positive feedback.

ubuntu 11.10 startup manager

Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is expected to release on 13th of this month, I’ve tried the beta versions. I guess it goes without saying that the easiest way to do this is to run sudo inkscape in the file:///lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/ folder, backup the images and modify them keeping the same name the images. I used inkscape to see how each part would look and hid the different png layers. But your volcano might be a bit more complicated but easy to try out: and low risk since you are not modifying a script. For something simple like a slight modification from the original it should be easy. What I was about to do for this animated one was option b but for all the different pngs that are in the folder. (re named the original to *.png.old) actually i just opened the image with sudo inkscape and modified it the way I wanted. changed the name of my image so that it was the same as the script.find out what was the png that the script was calling and change the name for my image name.I copied the image I wanted to change to the same folder and tried out two things that worked out: I found it using catfish and searching for plymouth

ubuntu 11.10 startup manager

Hi I took a bit of a simplistic approach when they plymouth was not animated in xubuntu 11.04įirst, I found out what file was doing the file calling:įile:///lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/xubuntu-logo.script

Ubuntu 11.10 startup manager